Mascot art
Map art
Advertising art
Christmas art
Halloween art
Monster art
Pattern design
3d digital art
Animated movies
Animated Logos
Stock art
Animal illustration portfolio
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We would love to hear your comments and suggestions on this web site. New artwork is being added regularly so drop in often. Thank you for visiting!
The contents of this site relate to animal stock illustration,dog, dogs, cat, cats, moose, bird, birds, horse,mascot art, character artist, horses, giraffe, giraffes, monkey, monkeys, insects, insect, termite, termites, cactus, 3d artist, cg artist, bulldog, apple, oranges. apples, grapes, humorous stock illustration, humorous illustration directory, Illustrator designer Francesco Santalucia and his team, Santalucia Art inc., The best Christmas cards of all time and the funniest holiday greeting cards ever humorous Christmas illustration, photo illustration, humorous children illustration, stock illustration, humorous fruit illustration, digital art, 3d art, 3d digital, photo retouch artist, illustration. Humorous animal, custom illustrations monster illustrations, Best Christmas cards ever pattern designer for wall coverings and packaging art. Lecturer lectures courses . Best halloween art ever web site was designed by francesco santalucia of santalucia art., All images and content from this web site including fidel carrot, the revolution of Fidel Carrot are the property and copyright of picturegrill.com santalucia art inc. and Francesco Santalucia all rights are reserved ,Any unauthorized reproduction or use is strictly prohibited without the written consent of picturegrill.com, Santalucia art inc., francesco santalucia